THERMO AQUAMATE Spectrophotometer
Intuitive spectrophotometer incorporates:
260 preprogrammed test methods, and flexibility to program your own custom methods
A wide variety of vial sizes can be used, including 10mm square vials, 20 and 50mm rectangular vials, and an adjustable round vial holder that accommodates 13, 16, and 24mm round vials
USB connections provide the options to store methods and data to a USB memory stick, transfer data to a computer, and print hard copy data to an external printer
The system is compatible with inkjet and laser printers
7-inch, high-resolution glove-friendly touchscreen interface
Compatible with Orion AQUAfast, Merck, CHEMetrics or Hach chemistries
Performance verification tests ensure wavelength accuracy and instrument functionality
GLP and GMP compliant
THERMO AQUAMATE 8100 UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
UV-Visible wavelengths from 190 to 1100nm
Dual-beam optics
Xenon flash lamp (no warm-up required)
2nm spectral bandwidth
Wavelength scanning at speeds up to 1,600nm per minute
THERMO AQUAMATE 7100 VIS-Spectrophotometer
Visible wavelengths from 325 to 1100nm
Dual-beam optics
Tungsten-halogen lamp
5nm spectral bandwidth
Wavelength scanning automatic up to 1,800nm per minute