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Cole-Parmer is a leading supplier of laboratory equipment and analytical instruments for scientific, R&D, educational laboratories across the globe. Meeting the needs of the scientific and engineering communities since 1955. Helping researchers and scientists increase efficiency and productivity, every day.


Product range :

Fluid handling – Masterflex and Ismatec

Test & Measurement – Digisense

Water quality – Oakton

Lab Essentials and Equipment

Tubing, Fittings & Industrial



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Apera offers laboratory and field instruments for electrochemical and photometric water analysis. Apera products range from compact pocket testers and handheld meters to research-grade benchtop meters.

Product range:
pH Meters
Conductivity Meter
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
Dissolved Oxygen Meter
Redox Potential (ORP)
Salinity Meter

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Astell Scientific is a pioneering manufacturer and supplier of autoclaves and sterilizers. Over 130 years of experience goes into every unit manufactured in the UK.

Product range inclusive:

33-63L Benchtop front-loading autoclave

63L Top loading autoclave

95-135L Top loading autoclave

120-344L Front loading autoclave

120-344L Sliding door chamber autoclave

125-1400L Square autoclave

250-1200L Double Door Square autoclave

33-153L Duaclaves


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Consort supplies a wide range of high technology products from simple and robust field meters up to sophisticated precision laboratory equipment. For the molecular biology field, Consort offers a wide range of electrophoresis equipment such as high voltage power supplies, horizontal and vertical apparatus, DNA sequencers, blotting units, UV tables and photo-documentation systems.

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Jenway makes quality scientific instruments. Good choice of products include:


Visible spectrophotometer

UV/Vis spectrophotometer

Split beam spectrophotometer

Double spectrophotometer

Flame Photometer

Fluorometer portable and laboratory meters for pH measurement


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PCRmax offers a range of real-time PCR instrumentation and endpoint thermal cyclers, along with an expanding range of lyophilized real-time molecular diagnostic test kits.

Product range:
Real-time PCR
Thermal cyclers - 96 and 384 well
Thermal cyclers - 4 blocks 96 or 384-well
Micro-volume spectrophotometer for standard and Lifesciences

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Stuart® offers one of the most comprehensive ranges of benchtop equipment available today. Covers products for life sciences, food safety, biotechnology, environment and more. The entire range of benchtop equipment is protected by BioCote antimicrobial protection.

Product range:
Shakers and Shaking incubators
Melting point
Heat blocks
Hotplate stirrers
Heating mantles
Water bath
Colony counter
Overhead stirrers
Rotary evaporator

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Complete range of chamber, instrument, and lab safety products. Cryste biosafety cabinets and fume hoods protect personnel, product, and/or environment when looking to obtain optimum control over product quality while reducing the potential for exposure.

Product range:
Centrifuges - refrigerated and non-refrigerated
Biosafety cabinet
Fume cupboard
Ductless fume cupboard
Shaking incubator
Low-temperature incubator
Vacuum oven, etc

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Reagents for molecular applications. Cyanagen cover several areas ranging from testing, evaluation, and QC  of the reagents for Western Blot and ELISA to the production of dye-antibody conjugates for flow cytometry, fluorescent Western Blot and bioimaging. Other supported applications are Differential Gel Electrophoresis (DIGE) and Real-Time PCR.

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Himedia supplies quality products that conform to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 13485:2012 and WHO: GMP. Pioneering Lifesciences and Bio-sciences for researchers, laboratories, and the industry. Advanced products in the fields of:

Animal Cell Culture

 Plant Tissue Culture

Molecular Biology Reagents and Instruments 


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Human lab water range offers a broad range of pure and ultrapure water purification systems and services designed for scientists working in the pharmaceutical, research, industrial, clinical, academic, and government laboratories. General laboratory analysis, glassware washing/rinsing, buffer preparation, molecular, HPLC, electrochemistry, spectrophotometry or pretreatment to a polisher all require high purity water to ensure quality and consistent results. ​Whether you need Type I, II, or III water, Human offer laboratory water purification systems that will meet your demanding specifications. 

Product range:
Type 1 Ultrapure water
Type 2 Pure water
Type 3 RO water
Tap to Type 1 water
Storage & Accessories
Purification consumables
Services & Validation

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A leading supplier for spectroscopy instruments and consumables for the non-destructive analysis of ultra-low volume samples.

Implant NanoPhotometers for modern biological & chemical work offer instruments with micro-volume applications, standard cuvette, maintenance-free, accuracy guaranteed, and built-in vortex.


The product range include:

NanoPhotometer NP80, N60, N50, C40

NanoPhotometer N120 - Microvolume high throughput champion

OD600 DiluPhotometer


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Johnson Test Papers have been manufacturing pH paper using high-quality media impregnated with mixed indicator dyes with decades of experience. With their varied uses, Johnson Test Papers can provide a wide range of pH papers to suit the requirement

Products manufactured in the UK


Range Include :

pH Test

Test Strips

Filter Paper


Syringe Filter

Extraction Thimbles


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Techne® is a long-established name and world leader in the manufacture of temperature control and essential equipment for the life sciences, research, clinical, general laboratories, calibration and industrial applications. The lab products provided by Techne are the leading in cutting edge temperature control technology.

Product Range:
Bath and Thermoregulators
Biological Stirrers
Dri-Block Heaters
Gelation Timers
Hybridization Incubators
Sample Concentrators
Sample Cooling
Thermal Cyclers

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High-quality fluorescent gel and chemiluminescence documentation and analysis systems, plus a wide range of ultraviolet light sources and equipment.
Uvitec Imager systems are capable of capturing images from blots, autoradiograms, and colony plates, in addition to their primary function of image capture from fluorescent gels. All images captured are potentially analyzable using the software provided with the systems or with the optional UVIsoft analysis software packages.

Product range:
Western blot chemiluminescence imaging and in-VIVO systems
Gel documentation
Image quantification software
UV lab instruments - transilluminator, crosslinkers
TLC instruments - UV lamps, UV viewing cabinets

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The large variety of laboratory instruments for research communities. Established in 1889.


Yamato Scientific with a product portfolio of 500 models:

Spray dryers, rotary evaporators, lab washers,

Freeze dryers, furnace, ovens, incubators

Refrigerated incubators, baths, circulators

Sterilizers, stirrers, shakers, and more


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Nexbio (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Tel :  + 662-5307833  or  +662-5307839            Fax: +662-5307110

600/15, B-Square Rama9-Mengjai, Soi Ramkhamhaeng 39 (Thep Leela1), Wangthonglang, Bangkok 10310 Thailand.

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